Award-winning author and cofounder and president of Upper West Side Philosophers, Inc., Studio & Publishing, Dr. Kathrin Stengel has written widely on ethics, aesthetics, and epistemology, including Yoga for the Mind: A New Ethic for Thinking and Being & Meridians of Thought (with Michael Eskin), The Subject as Threshold and November Rose: A Speech on Death (winner of the 2008 Independent Publisher Book Award). She has been a frequent guest on radio programs throughout the US and Europe, and has organized and facilitated many international philosophical events and studios, most recently, for the Rhode Island School of Design.
Kathrin Stengel, Ph.D., cofounder and president of Upper West Side Philosophers, Inc., Studio & Publishing, studied philosophy at the Universities of Leuven (Belgium), Munich, and Konstanz (Germany).
She has taught philosophy at Seattle University and the Rhode Island School of Design, and has published widely on ethics, aesthetics, and epistemology, including Yoga for the Mind: A New Ethic for Thinking and Being & Meridians of Thought (with Michael Eskin) and Das Subjekt als Grenze (The Subject as Threshold) — a comparative study on Ludwig Wittgenstein’s philosophy of language and Maurice Merleau-Ponty’s philosophy of perception. For her book November Rose: A Speech on Death — a philosophical meditation on loss, grief, and survival — she received an Independent Publisher Book Award in 2008.
A frequent guest on radio programs throughout the US and Europe, Kathrin Stengel has created and produced international philosophical events, including ‘What is Space? A Philosophical Inquiry into Space and the Imagination’, ‘About Style: A Philosophical Meditation on the Question of Style’, and ‘On Imagination: A Philosophical Studio’ (all three at the Rhode Island School of Design), as well as ‘Thinking and Experiencing Space’ (Germany), ‘Philosophical Walks with Nietzsche’ (Switzerland), ‘Pain and Beauty in Philosophy and the Arts’ (Seattle University), and ‘Image and Music: Improvisations on the 14 Stations’ for the Interfaith Assembly for Homelessness and Housing in New York City, video documentation of which was on display at the Brooklyn Museum of Art in 2005. For many years, Kathrin has also taught Vipassana Meditation and practiced Jin Shin Jyutsu. She lives in New York City
Dr. Kathrin Stengel, Begründerin und Inhaberin von Upper West Side Philosophers, Inc., Studio & Publishing, in New York City, studierte Philosophie an den Universitäten Leuven (Belgien), München und Konstanz und hat an der Seattle University gelehrt. Neben zahlreichen essayistischen Veröffentlichungen zu Fragen der Ethik, Ästhetik und Epistemologie sind von Dr. Stengel erschienen: Das Subjekt als Grenze: Ein Vergleich der erkenntnistheoretischen Ansätze bei Wittgenstein und Merleau-Ponty sowie November-Rose: Eine Rede über den Tod – eine philosophische Meditation über Verlust, Trauer, und Überleben (ausgezeichnet mit dem US Independent Publisher Book Award 2008).
Dr. Stengel hat zahlreiche internationale philosophische Events organisiert und produziert, u. a.: „What is Space? A Philosophical Inquiry into Space and the Imagination“, „About Style: A Philosophical Meditation on the Question of Style“, und „On Imagination: A Philosophical Studio“ (Rhode Island School of Design, USA), „Thinking and Experiencing Space“ (Deutschland), „Philosophical Walks with Nietzsche“ (Schweiz), „Pain and Beauty in Philosophy and the Arts“ (Seattle, USA), „Image and Music: Improvisations on the 14 Stations“ für die Interfaith Assembly for Homelessness and Housing in New York City (Video-Dokumentation ausgestellt am Brooklyn Museum of Art, New York City). Dr. Stengel lebt in New York City und lehrt an der Rhode Island School of Design, USA.